When you're living full-time in a tiny little trailer it's important to stay organized. Rainy days provide a great opportunity to turn the little messes we sometimes make in here back to the organized chaos that is our lives. We went to Lowes the other day and replaced our worn out closet organizer. Today, because it was raining, we tackled the chore of unloading and reorganizing the closet! From our tiny closet we came up with a bag for Good Will, a bag for the trash dumpster, and a bag to leave in storage in Omaha. I love that the commitment we made to unclutter our lives is still in place more than 3 years later.
Clean closet!
4/14/2013 08:44:14 am

Sorry about the repetitive photos - still learning the program!

4/14/2013 09:55:13 am

So glad you started a blog. But it does take time. I used to feel pressure to keep up with it, but now I try to post at least once at each stop. If I post more great, if not great. I must be having fun off the computer.

Sharon Carling
4/14/2013 10:10:41 am

I'm gonna try to do short blogs fairly frequently - about whatever I find interesting that day. I read your blog regularly and it's often amusing. Doris gives high fives to Lila for getting into the trash!


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